Sometimes common sense isn't high on my agenda when writing training plans. The sadist in me scheduled 70 minutes of easy running for Monday, less than 24 hours after the SW 10k. Instead of subscribing to this nonsense I drew a line under September, deciding a shorter run on Tuesday would be a better idea.
The Run
Before heading to Gatwick I headed out to take on the loop, my most consistently used circuit during the summer. This time I ran it north to south, meaning a slow kilometre and a half descend started the run. This could be the last midweek running of the loop until March, it's not a route I can take on without natural light. A weekend special involving hill sprints might be the only way I see it until March. My pace was purposefully easy, though if my momentum allowed I wasn't slowing myself down.
So October starts with an easy 7km, a total that won't be built on for nearly two weeks. As I write this I'm at a poolside bar in Mauritius, there won't be much running to be found here!!!
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