Saturday, 19 October 2013

5k PB!!!!!

Today was a good day. Today I reached two significant landmarks. Two reasons to validate the progress made so far this year & motivate me to keep going.
The morning started well, I hopped on the scales to see if a week of packed lunches and salads had paid off. The scales told me that I've now dropped a stone so far this year. The loss hasn't been rapid by any means & if I'd made significant change to my diet I could probably drop quicker. Yet regular readers will know I'm a fan of food.....
We headed off to the Gunpowder parkrun. We thought it was their two year anniversary & Paula was the first ever women's record holder for the course. Turns out we were a week early! I'd not run Gunpowder since April, but the course has always been one of my favourites. Fast, reasonably flat & not too busy.
The Run
Conditions were near perfect. Mid teens temperature, cloudy, even a little rain for all of a minute. I arrived with no set plan to chase a PB, merely to get as close as possible & definitely sub 25. I've hardly run since returning from holiday so didn't think I could be that fast.
So fast it's hard to focus....
However with 5 minutes gone my Nike GPS told me I'd travelled at 4:22/km!!! The second 5 minutes were at 4:44/km. This meant just maintaining pace would have me close to a PB. I felt that I was maintaining pace in the second half of the run, my timing suggested I could drop below 24:00. Although I was slowing slightly, I was surprised to see the upper reaches of 23:00 on my watch as I turned the penultimate corner, was my timing all wrong?
Feeling good, 2nd lap

I crossed the line & the timekeeper read out 24:09, a PB by twelve seconds!!!! On stopping my GPS I could see the run measured at 5:11km & Nike was happily telling me I had a 23:40 5k new record!!! Of course this wasn't the case, you expect a bit of GPS flex on runs & this time it wasn't in my favour. It also explains why I was just over, rather than under 24:00. 
Not the most even paced race

The Eat
One of the issues with weighing yourself at the start of the weekend is that it might put you off falling from the wagon. With a PB in hand that wasn't the case! A family curry has ended the day. A day that also included cakes, sweets, frazzles & the ever reliable Greggs sausage roll!!! I'll even it out with some falafel tomorrow!
The ConclusionTo repeat the opening line, today was a good day. The weight loss is great & I'm pleased with the ongoing improvement. The PB though is a complete surprise. My recent parkruns at Oakhill, Chelmsford & Wimpole have proved that my pace is returning. Yet having had a quiet three weeks I wasn't expecting any world beating pace today. I felt that maintaining pace might be the hardest thing, thinking a 5:15 4th km would be completely predictable.
What instead occurred was the breaking of a record that had stood since January 2012. At the start of the year I suggested my aims were PBs in 2013. I felt this was wishful thinking as my form was appalling, but what's the point of aiming low? My first km turned out to be a 4:21, this beats the opening km at Wimpole and if it weren't for a GPS cock up in Stockholm last year I think it would be my quickest kilometre. I've come to realise that I'll never be a negative split runner. So why not just push until you can't push anymore? Even when I felt slow, my pace was superb.
There's 7 weeks until the Movember 10k & it's time to chase another PB. If I'm capable of a 24 minute 5k then I should be able to slay that 51:12 10k record. And with four parkruns planned beforehand I have plenty of speed training to assist me.
Here's to another good day.
A great text message to receive

A nice bit of Nike+ cheer

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