November 30th. The last day on my 11 week training plan that was designed for PB hunting. A group of us assembled on a (very) cold autumnal morning. We'd already lost one of the team to parkrun duties, one to injury and another to illness. Even amongst the seven that remained we had a list of illnesses, injuries, aches and pains, plus we'd all seen the hills of Greenwich! For Joel it was his first 10k a he wanted to get round and not be a victim of the hills. It was my 19th, 3 years since my first and my last race of a turnaround year.
Once the entire team were moustached up we made our way to the start line to take on 2 laps of the park. Having experienced the hill of doom uphill during Run to the Beat, I was relieved to see us heading down it!
The Run
I'd taken into account the undulating nature of the course and realised that a PB, though nice to have, would be unlikely today. I started well, felt very relaxed and almost easy paced. When you're running fast yet not feeling any effort is required its a nice position to be in. Once we turned at the base of the hill to turn that decline into an incline I was suddenly feeling the effort!! My pace remained steady and quick through to 3km. It was between 3 & 4km that the course served up a double helping of hill.
A short but relatively steep ascend was followed by about 300m of shallow descend before turning for a 500m climb including a sharp sting in the tail. My 4th kilometre was 35 seconds slower than the 3rd and most of my 5th was spent recovering.
I crossed the line for a first lap of 25:45. Just maintaining this pace would be a nice 51:30. The problem being I was already feeling empty!! I tried to push at the start of the 2nd and was feeling reasonable through kilometres 6, 7 & 8. Though my pace had dropped slightly I dragged myself up the first hill. Suddenly the recovery descend seemed even shorter than the first lap and back we turned on ourselves for a leg sapping final ascend. Unlike in September I managed to complete the climb without resorting to a walk, I was full of sympathy for those that did though. I felt heavy legged and light headed by the end of the climb. This time the 9th km was a further 15 seconds slower than the 4th. At least this time just a kilometre remained.
I allowed myself some time to recover. The PB was out the window, a sub 52 was impossible so it was time to just salvage what I could. With the 50 minute mark approaching I managed to get Real American on the iPod and decided to kick. I was able to lengthen my stride and push for the line, crossing in 52:50 to collect my Moustache medal.
Team BBQ results:
Paul - 43:27
Andy - 44:31
Sean - 47:05
Chris - 52:50
Emily A - 53:59
Emily M - 1:01:04
Joel - 1:05:43
The Eat
Once post race coconut water and milkshakes were consumed we congregated at Wahaca in Westfield Stratford for a feast of Mexican Canteen food. Joined by some equally hungry non runners we consumed a vast array of tacos, tortillas and quesadillas. I'm sure every dish we consumed had some kind of melted cheese involved, always a winner!
The only unpopular dish appeared to be the Herring taco, a Scandinavian / Mexican fusion. I suspect there isn't a huge market for this particular mix of cultures.
It was debatable whether there was any room for dessert but it didn't stop us ordering. Many chose Churros, having run a 10k though, I opted for the Marathon Sundae!
The Recovery
Plenty of stretching is required to get my calves and quads back to a functional state. Armed with a glass of Sacred gin I've treated myself to an hour in the bath, soaking in some Natural Hero hot ginger bath oil.
The Conclusion
Having not managed many long runs since Copenhagen I think I got a par result today. In the latter half of the run I could feel a lack of stamina / miles in the legs. This alongside a lingering manflu made it hard to push in the second lap, despite the slathering of Vicks vapour rub applied. Though my pace has improved greatly in the past three months, I need to ensure stamina also builds as the focus returns to half marathon training.
Tomorrow I'll start to construct a 5 month plan. A plan that will take me to the start line in Helsinki and hopefully a 1:50 half.