Another weekend, another decent return of runs. Having been optimistic last week I woke on Thursday to pain in my left abductor. I knew straight away the cause, on Wednesday I had my first full class in the lengths group at swimming. Three of us were promoted & we all struggled with the change to lengths from three quarter widths. I simply didn't have the cardio, my quads started to tighten, much like post half marathon. All three of us sat out the last set of lengths, in agreement that we couldn't guarantee making it there, let alone back to the deep end! I felt physically spent by the end, my weekly swim takes me as far out of my comfort zone as is possible. Though the lesson was tough, I wanted more and to get better. It was tempting to ask for an instant demotion, but that won't make me better.
When I felt the muscle tightness on Thursday morning I knew instantly it was due to the 10 or so lengths. Perhaps my legs were working better than expected after all! Although I packed my kit for a lunchtime tempo run I quickly recognized that I needed rest. With a big weekend planned I stretched, lunged & slathered on the Natural Hero to coax myself back to fitness.
Our weekend was taking us down to Eastbourne, to visit my Grandma and catch up with my Uncle. I knew there was a parkrun in town so sneakily booked a hotel on the Friday night rather than Saturday. It was only after booking that I checked the parkrun map, the hotel was next to the run!
Given the amount of rain we drove through on our journey south I started to wonder if flippers rather than trainers would be a good idea. As we walked to the park it was clear that most surface water wasn't on the paths so a clear run could be expected.
As we had a hot shower available straight after the run, Paula packed her kit & despite wanting to stay in bed, decided to join me for the run. It would be her first since the Copenhagen half in September, so although she vowed to beat me, getting round was her true aim.
By Saturday my muscle twinge had settled enough for me to run, I was thankful that I'd been wise enough to rest on Thursday.
The Run #1
The sun managed to break through just before the start, for a moment I was cursing not packing my shades. By the time the race director was lining us up the sunshine had been replaced by a hale storm. After unsuccessfully negotiating a large puddle near the start run I found myself running at an angle, trying to avoid the sideways hale shower. Even once the hale had stopped we turned into the wind. The course was a simple out and back, mostly on tarmac. Every time my feet started to dry out I found another puddle!
Puddles everywhere! |
Once the course turned we were again running into the wind. I gave up trying to be a steeple chaser and just ran through the puddles.
Out & back in Eastbourne |
It was difficult to muster a sprint finish, getting to the end would be sufficient. A 25:59 was nothing special, but I can't recall another parkrun where I've suffered the elements so much. Paula came through with a mid 29 and was happy with her return.
Paula storming towards the finish |
The Eat #1
By the time we ate, we were both starving. After the run we headed to the care home to see my Grandma. You can never guarantee quite how she'll be. At 98 and with poor hearing and sight she can struggle. Luckily she was having a good day and was happy for the company. Conversation can often meander to bizarre junctures, normally dependent on what she thinks you've said. For example, she now thinks Paula works in Iran (am sure I said laboratory)! During a moment when she was describing the lunch options at the home she took time to explain that she doesn't care for the word Yoghurt. When I asked her if she was more of a mousse fan this lead to a chat about Goose!
Knackered bar. Surprisingly nice for something devoid of chocolate |
Once diary products had been negotiated we headed to the mecca of Eastbourne, Wimpy for some mediocre comfort food. When a burger is served in a wholemeal bun it's healthy right? Having had just a cashew & date knackered bar earlier in the day, a plate of burger & chips was very welcome. After two trips to Wimpy recently I think I can leave it a while, let the mystique build again!
Man vs Wimpy |
After a trip round a rather depressing Eastbourne town centre, obligatory pier visit and amusements we were back to see Grandma & my uncle again before heading north. The trip to the pier wasn't overly wise, high winds made it a bit treacherous, but a visit to the seaside doesn't count until we've lost some money on the 2p machines and got some naff prizes.
Our trip home involved a lap of Ikea to get some more ideas for our upcoming house extension. Mrs H vetoed the mandatory hotdog! I rescued the situation by serving up some Welsh Rarebit once home. A good day for comfort food.
Welsh Rarebit. Getting better at making this |
The Conclusion #1
Reasonably pleased with my parkrun effort. Saturday was not a PB day. I've never experienced elements like it on a run! To get round sub 26 is fine. The course has potential to be very quick in the right conditions. With the location it is perfect for future visits to Eastbourne, especially when Paula runs as well.
A choppy Eastbourne seafront |
The Run #2
My Sunday runs are always subject to fitness. How will I feel when I step out of bed? Luckily this week everything felt fine so I took advantage of perfect weather conditions. Even the sunglasses made it out the house.
With the recent poor weather my long routes are somewhat limited, many small roads are still partially flooded. I headed to Bishops Stortford once more and decided to reverse my route of the previous week & take on the rugby club hill. I was pleasantly surprised with the consistency of my pace, every 5 minute lap appeared to be in the 5:55-6:05 range. This despite putting minimal effort in! I really struggled up the rugby club hill, the GPS confirming why post run. Where as last week the 30m climb was over 1km, from the other side it was 30m climbed in 400m, a far steeper task. No wonder I was blowing by the top of the hill.
As I recovered down hill I decided that as a glutton for punishment I should take on another climb. Once I hit the Hockerill lights I didn't turn left for home, instead keeping straight on to complete a lap of the Stortford Hall Park estate. This is one of my original routes from when I started running. The climb was slow and steady this time, but I did notice a tightening in my calf. Given I was still miles from home I had no choice but to try and run it off.
The calf started to ease as the route became flatter & then descended back to Stansted Road. I crossed the A120 & was still making good pace. I'd taken on a gel at 45 minutes but hadn't felt the need to top up. By the time I turned into my road, though feeling good I also recognised the need to stop. 16km in 1:36 and some change, a perfect 6:00 pace averaged, in fact my later km were amongst the fastest.
The Eat #2
No major eat highlights. Did consume plenty of Frazzles though!
The Conclusion #2
Really happy with the run. Felt comfortable with my pace throughout. One hill troubled me, but I was able to recover. The calf was a bit dodgy but appeared to sort itself out. I've stretched plenty since the run & also had Mrs H rolling both calves in the evenings. A definite knot in my left, delightfully painful when that's worked on! I have some physio next week so will ask for a quick 5 mins on them to loosen up.
I have two more long runs before the Ford 10 miler. This Sunday I'm aiming for 2 hours. The week after I'm going to try some faster pacing, an elongated tempo run.
This being Tuesday and I'd normally be running. Felt tight when I stepped out of bed, with a squash game also lined up I felt rest was a better idea.